Agenda - Petitions Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 4 - Tŷ Hywel

Meeting date: 21 March 2022

Meeting time: 14.00
For further information contact:

Gareth Price - Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565




1       Introduction, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

                                                                                                   (Pages 1 - 21)



Panel 1




2       Evidence Session - P-06-1161 Routine collection and publication of data of how many babies/children return to their care experienced parents care at the end of a Parent and Child Placement

                                                                                                 (Pages 22 - 31)

Dr Louise Roberts, CASCADE


Jennifer Molloy, care experienced parent



Panel 2




3       Evidence Session - P-06-1161 Routine collection and publication of data of how many babies/children return to their care experienced parents care at the end of a Parent and Child Placement


Mark Carter - Barnardo’s Cymru South East Wales


Liz Baker  - Barnardo’s Cymru Cardiff and Vale


Sharon Lovell - NYAS


Daljit Kaur Morris -  NYAS



4       New Petitions




4.1     P-06-1235 Ensure appropriate provision of services and support for people with Acquired Brain Injury in Wales

                                                                                                 (Pages 32 - 44)



4.2     P-06-1248 Change Standing Orders and admissibility criteria for petitions

                                                                                                 (Pages 45 - 48)



4.3     P-06-1255 Ensure fathers/birth partners are involved in all assessments & care throughout the perinatal period

                                                                                                 (Pages 49 - 57)



4.4     P-06-1256 Hold a referendum on Wales becoming a Nation of sanctuary

                                                                                                 (Pages 58 - 65)



4.5     P-06-1257 Reduced Council Tax for private estate properties

                                                                                                 (Pages 66 - 72)



4.6     P-06-1259 Ban the use of non biodegradable dog poo bags

                                                                                                 (Pages 73 - 77)



4.7     P-06-1260 End the need for covid passes for all events and activities

                                                                                                 (Pages 78 - 79)



5       Updates to previous petitions




5.1     P-06-1224 Design a 'Care Leavers Plus' Universal Basic Income pilot that includes a range of people

                                                                                                 (Pages 80 - 84)



The following two items are grouped together for consideration




5.2     P-05-1001 Hold an independent inquiry into the choice of site for the proposed new Velindre Cancer Centre

                                                                                               (Pages 85 - 110)



5.3     P-05-1018 Support for the current proposed plans to build a new Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff, in any future inquiry

                                                                                             (Pages 111 - 122)



5.4     P-05-937 STOP BOILING CRUSTACEANS ALIVE (lobsters, crabs, crayfish, prawns etc)

                                                                                             (Pages 123 - 126)



5.5     P-06-1217 Open Long Covid one stop medical hubs / clinics

                                                                                             (Pages 127 - 131)



6       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from item 7 of the meeting




7       Discussion of Evidence - P-06-1161 Routine collection and publication of data of how many babies/children return to their care experienced parents care at the end of a Parent and Child Placement






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